Amano MJR-7000 Calculating Time Clock
Understanding how the Amano MJR-7000 works

The Amano MJR Series clocks read special cards pre-punched with a series of holes. The punched holes let light pass thru allowing the machine’s optical reader to identify the card number. Besides the holes indicating the card numbers, two off-set holes allow the machine to know which way the card is facing – front-side or back.

The clock’s program consists of a variety of rules about times should be calculated, the pay period frequency, overtime thresholds, lunch deductions, etc. The capacity of the machine determines the number of cards it can read (100 or 250) and clock memory is set aside for each card. At the beginning of a pay-cycle, a new card inserted, prints on the front-side, first line, “In” column with the date, day and time. The next transaction, if it occurs the same day, prints the time in the “Out” column and in addition, a daily total, accumulated regular hours, and new overtime hours total. This same process is repeated down the card each day as the pay-cycle progresses. On two-week and semi-monthly pay cycles, the front of the card often gets filled and the machine then only accepts the back side of the card.

Card Assignment for MJR-7000:

The MJR 7000’s capacity is for 100 employees (cards.) Generally speaking, the cards come boxed in 1000 or 2000 quantities, in sets pre-punched and numbered from 000 thru 099 matching the machine’s capacity. In the event less than 100 are using the clock, issue the cards in order starting with 00 thru the number of employees. At the next pay cycle, starting where you left off, again, issue each employee a card in order. When you reach card # 99, continue into the next set. Following this procedure will ensure no two numbers the same are issued in one pay period. If two employees are issues the same number, the machine treats it as one time card so the first employee would punch in and when the second employee attempts to clock in, the system will be clocking out, treating it as one card.
Semi-monthly or Monthly Pay Cycle with Weekly Overtime:
Since the overtime cycle can fall across two pay cycles, the machine needs to know the hours from one pay cycle to the next. The time clock knows card numbers only, so employees must assigned the same card number each cycle. For example if you have 50 employees, assign time card numbers # 000-049 until you use up all the available 000-049 sets. Then assign cards # 050-099, assigning the same numbers until you run out. Then continue the cycle.